关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者

过了春节就是元宵节,满大街的灯笼太美了。让人不禁想起许多诗意来。今天小编分享一下关于元宵节的英语作文80词 在这个元宵节佳节里,你能用英语写一篇作文。用你的笔留住元宵

过了春节就是元宵节,满大街的灯笼太美了。让人不禁想起许多诗意来。今天小编分享一下关于元宵节的英语作文80词 在这个元宵节佳节里,你能用英语写一篇作文。用你的笔留住元宵节的盛宴美景,用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者。

关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者

关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者

The Lantern Festival is January 15 on the lunar calendar.the lunar January is the first month of a year and 15th is the first day of full moon.During lantern festival,people go along the street to watch lanterns for some fun.The biggest and most beautiful lantern is the dragon lantern,which looks like a flyling dragon ,held by several young guys.One with a ball in head leads the dragon to move.

Lantern Festival is a China’s traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

Lantern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied.





The Festival of Lanterns takes place at the end of the Chinese New Year Celebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. Lanterns have been part of Chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns.

People usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats. These lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the Lunar celebration. After a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond.

Silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. Some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and boats. Other are shaped like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year. The most popular type of lantern is the "horse-racing" one, in which figures or animals rotate around the vertical axis of the lantern.

The special food for the Lantern Festival is Yuen Sin or Tong Yuen. These are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. They can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. The round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity. en369.cn

The Lantern Festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone–young, old, rich and poor to have fun.






关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者


1. 元宵节 the Lantern Festival / Festival of Lanterns

2. 元宵 Yuanxiao / the rice glue ball / sweet dumplings

3. 汤圆 glutinous rice balls / glue pudding / sweet dumplings

4. 舞龙/舞狮 Lions / Dragons dancing

5. 猜灯谜 guess Lantern riddles

6. 对对联 play couplets game

7. 赏花灯 enjoy beautiful lanterns

8. 灯花 snuff

9. 灯会 exhibit of Lanterns

10. 耍龙灯 Dragon Lantern dancing

11. 踩高跷 walking on stilts

12. 划旱船 land boat dancing

13. 扭秧歌 Yangko / Yangge dance

14. 打太平鼓 beating drums while dancing

15. 腰鼓舞 drum dance

16. 焰火大会 fireworks party

17. 戏曲 traditional opera

18. 杂耍 variety show / vaudeville

19. 元宵会 Lantern Festival's temple fair

20. 彩灯会 colored lanterns' temple fair



Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, which marks the end of New Year festivities.


The first month of the lunar calendar is known as the 元月(Yuan Yue). And in ancient China, the night was referred to as 宵 (Xiao). So when the first full moon rolls around, this night is accordingly known as YuanXiao。


关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者

Guessing lantern riddles 猜灯谜

"Guessing lantern riddles" is an essential part of the Festival. Lantern owners write riddles on a piece of paper and post them on the lanterns. If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answers. If they are right, they will get a little gift. The activity emerged during people's enjoyment of lanterns in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).


1. It has a head, but no neck. It has a body,

but no warmth. No feet, but can travel?



2. What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?


3. Which letter is an animal?


4. What is it that everybody does at the same time?


5. What's full of holes but still holds water?


6.What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?


关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者

关于元宵节的英语作文80词 用你绚美的文字感动每一个读者


1. Car(汽车)

2. Dictionary(字典)

3. Letter B(Bee 蜜蜂)

4. Grow older(长大)

5. Sponge(海绵)

6. Hotdog(热狗)



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